Saturday 20 April 2013

9 Things Make Us Happy

9 Things Make Us Happy
                                                              9 Things Make Us Happy

In this post we tell you the 9 tricks to make you happy from your routine depression.using this post you will be happy through all the day to follow these 9 things.
Sometimes when we are down and out, the most obvious things don’t make us happy.
The things that worked in the past fail to boost our mood. And then, as if by magic, we see something and it perks us up. Here is a list of things that are capable of making us smile ear-to-ear:

1. Five Minutes Extra In The Morning

9 Things Make Us Happy

 Those extra five minutes of sleep in the morning before heading to work or school are bliss. They give us the illusion of having had a good night’s sleep and instantly put us in a good mood.


2. Butterflies

9 Things Make Us Happy

 These colorful little things flitting about when we least expect them make us happy. It’s something to do with their delicate beauty and the urgent manner in which they fly. The magnificent patterns on their bodies make us smile.


3. Puppies, Cats or Babies

9 Things Make Us Happy

 Not necessarily in this order. Either of these things has the ability to make us forget our woes. They have the magic power of putting us in a better mood. They change something inside us, and all these feelings of tenderness rush forth. We reach to touch them, play with them. Their adorability is a huge factor, of course.


4. Empty rides or no queue at the cinema

9 Things Make Us Happy

 Imagine yourself walking past your favorite ride (rollercoaster) at the local amusement park and finding it busy, always. You curse under your breath: why the hell does everyone come to this ride? There are a million others, why not go there? Or you are already late for a movie you’ve been dying to watch and a long queue awaits you at the cinema. It puts you off. But then one day, you find that there is place for one in the rollercoaster and it is you. You arrive at the movies and there is no one else. You’re first at the counter.

5. Getting a Freebie or A Hefty Discount

9 Things Make Us Happy

 You go to your favorite pub with a friend and order two pints of beer. Instead he comes with four. You are confused and you tell him, “Dude, I ordered only two,” and he says, “It’s happy hours, sir. One + one free,” and you jump like a freak. Or you book flight tickets and they’re giving you a 60% discount because you happen to be the 100th customer that day. There’s nothing that makes a man happy than getting a great deal and not having to pay retail price.

6. Pre-holiday High

9 Things Make Us Happy

 You have planned a 7-night trip to Mauritius and the waiting is killing you. But it is actually making you a very, very happy man, because the anticipation gives you a high like nothing else. You’re constantly thinking of what you would do on your vacation - amount of beer you will have, things you will see, places you will go. You’re visualizing happiness and that’s what you’re getting in return. So continue doing that at other times too: visualize better things in life - better job; better relationships; better health.


7. Weekend High

9 Things Make Us Happy

 Just like the pre-vacation high, pre-weekend high is just as effective in making us happy. We make plans to do a lazy brunch by a pool, drink more, sleep more, or even do just about nothing. Weekends are our time. Make your weekends juicier by taking a mid-week break, like on a Wednesday or a Thursday as a pre-celebration for the upcoming weekend.


8. Simple Things

9 Things Make Us Happy


 Simple things like reading a book, or a newspaper, or solving a puzzle without interruptions can also be just as satisfying. Watching TV or movies is definitely interesting, but reading a newspaper can be calming; it’s more like applying the brakes a little bit and savoring your time. Go ahead, turn off internet and turn off your phones, if it helps. Not for long, an hour or so and spend it doing something that keeps you away from technology.


9. Old photos

9 Things Make Us Happy

 Look at old picture albums of yourself. It is quite exhilarating. When you spend some time reflecting on old memories, or catching up with yourself, it makes you really happy. Old photographs give us an opportunity to trace our development, from say how nerdy we were to how wonderful we are today; or the things we have achieved. It could be of old picnic trips, or birthday parties, or a picture with you laughing over something. It’s a wonderful ego boost, a great way to connect with yourself.


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